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meet THE GOOD ONES presents:

A special kind of city tours with querstadtein

Former homeless people and migrants show Berlin from their personal perspective. A moving film about those who are otherwise not heard.
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by meet THE GOOD ONES and Kristin Frauenhoffer

The Reichstag, the Brandenburg Gate, the TV tower – these are the top 3 sights in Berlin. If you’ve been there and not seen them, you can’t claim to have been to Berlin. But is that really true? Certainly not, because every city lives primarily through its inhabitants. Historic buildings can be impressive, but stories of people from the city give a much more comprehensive insight into local life. At querstadtein, you can experience city tours of a special kind.

For example, on the tour with Janet Amon, a former homeless person. The tour takes you across Alexanderplatz and past the TV tower, like many of the classic tours. But you learn fundamentally different things: what is it like to be homeless? How do you organise your basic hygiene needs on the street? How dangerous is it – especially as a woman? It’s a different world you’re immersed in. And yet it is a world that is right under our noses.

Another topic of the extraordinary city tours is migration. People with a history of migration tell visitors about their view of things and introduce them to their lives in multicultural Berlin. This offers a completely new perspective on the city and its people. Guy Dimenstein and his team from meet THE GOOD ONES accompanied the tour guides from querstadtein and made an impressive video portrait. Watch it and you’ll definitely want to book a tour with them on your next visit to Berlin.


City tours that will be remembered

Ask here about a city tour in Berlin:

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