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Health Heroes show us how it’s done

Mauro Gatti, founder of The Happy Broadcast, created a book for children about the Corona virus and how they can protect themselves.

Ein Beitrag zu UN-Ziel:




by Isolde Hilt

Covid-19 has changed the world forever. And yet we don’t know how it will all turn out in the end. Each of us experiences in a different way how difficult it is to handle a situation that cannot be assessed and that can hardly be compared to anything else. For children aswell the world is upside down. For a long time they were not allowed to meet their friends, go to kindergarten, school or after-school care. Questions like ‚why? … I don’t understand …‘ are a problem for them, too.

Mauro Gatti knows from his own experience what it means to be afraid. Therefore he wants to strengthen and encourage children. He created a book called ‚Health Heroes vs. Coronavirus!‘ that you can download for free.

The following little episode, which actually happened, illustrates that even small children are affected by the changes in their lives. A boy and a girl about three years old saw each other again after a long time. They stopped for a moment, then ran towards each other, hugged and asked, ‚Are you my friend again?‘. Children – just like adults – must be able to understand why something suddenly has to be done one way or another so that they feel safe and secure again.


An encouraging story helps children to understand better what is happening

With his book for children ‚Health Heroes vs. Coronavirus‘ Mauro Gatti wants to make a contribution: ‚With COVID-19 being a major concern for adults, many children are also experiencing some anxiety about our current situation. So, I decided to create a book to help them understand, and cope, with their fears surrounding the Coronavirus outbreak.‘

The well-known designer and illustrator has realized that many parents are left trying to explain what is going on. And that it’s not easy to make a kid understand what’s happening at the moment. Why are children not allowed to see their friends or go to school? How can you explain that the virus can be lethal? Therefore using a story can help a lot, Mauro Gatti explains: ‚By teaching kids how they can be proactive in the battle against COVID-19 they will become less fearful and ultimately find themselves on the frontline as health heroes to vanquish Coronavirus.‘


Health Heroes in different languages

Mauro Gatti is receiving beautiful feedback these days. The children love being Health Heroes! In order to make as many children as possible worldwide watch and read this story, it is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Italian. “Now I’m working on the Swedish version”, adds the founder of The Happy Broadcast. All versions can be read here for free:

And Mauro gives us another advice: “Just be safe and take care of your mental health.”


Mauro Gatti loves to spread positivity (photo: private)

Mauro Gatti

Founder of „The Happy Broadcast“, the portal for anxiety free news; award-winning creative director, illustrator and designer


Further information:


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