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Just something for your heart:
„What day is it today?“

Sunday? Second Advent? A day like any other? The question „What kind of day is it today?“ can give you completely different ideas …
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by Isolde Hilt

photo: EdNurg

This story is a very special one for me. It still happens every day and jumped into my everyday life about one and a half years ago: „What day is it today?“ Something seemingly banal, simple, that has greatly enriched my view of life. Dear woman across the street – thank you so much!


What day is it today?

Enjoy listening!

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A story that fits wonderfully into the series „Make Someone Happy!“ – a collaborative project with the Make Someone Happy Company in Rhode Island!


Make Someone Happy! Join in – we look forward to your ideas!

And this is how it works: We are collecting Make Someone Happy-drops in the form of small incidents in which you have already been able to make others happy with a small gesture. Send us your story – written, spoken or filmed! And feel free to tell us what effect it had on you (which is not to be underestimated :-))!




More about Make Someone Happy!


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