by Kristin Frauenhoffer
Make someone happy! This invitation is not intended to create pressure, but to make life more beautiful and enriching for all of us. How to make people happy can be very different. Most of the time, all it really takes is a smile, an encouraging word, or a gesture that says, „I understand you, I’m here for you.“
In the U.S., in Rhode Island, there is a company that specializes in making others happy, the Make Someone Happy Company! Inspired by her father Carmine, Gina DiChiaro Dodd founded the company at the end of 2019 and, together with her whole family, has been embarking on a special mission ever since: they want to make people happy. In our video interview she told us more about her mission, her motivation and her plans.
More about Make Someone Happy here:
Cut: Daniel Klare, Johannes Schindlbeck • Subtitels: Johannes Schindlbeck
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