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Stop child marriages:

Nada Al-Ahdal fights for a self-determined life for girls

Nada Al-Ahdal: „I was lucky enough to escape child marriage. Why shouldn’t I use this opportunity to help other girls?“
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An 11-year-old girl in Yemen flees from her parents‘ home alone because she is to be forced into marriage. By doing so, she is defying a common practice and deeply rooted customs. She has witnessed how some of her closest relatives, who were also married off as minors, have taken their own lives by burning themselves out of desperation. The girl is even captured by ISIS, from which she miraculously escapes … This is the amazing true story of Nada Al-Ahdal – a woman full of courage, determination and compassion. Today, with her foundation „Nada Foundation“, she fights against the practice of child marriages worldwide and campaigns for the protection of girls.

In the new episode of meet THE GOOD ONES, find out more about Nada Al-Ahdal’s moving story, the reasons for and background to child marriages in Yemen and worldwide, and about the Nada Foundation.

The most effective means against child marriage: Educating girls and raising awareness

You can also listen to Guy Dimenstein’s interview with Nada Al-Ahdal in English in Kathrin Dieckmann’s podcast:


More information about Nada Al-Ahdal and her foundation Nada Foundation:


Instagram: @nadalahdal


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