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Spirit of Football:
Changing the world for the better with football

Andrew Aris about Spirit of Football: „Football is a universal language. It allows you to reach and touch so many people and do a lot of good.“
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Interview: Isolde Hilt and Kristin Frauenhoffer • Production: Johannes Schindlbeck

Andrew Aris, founder and president of Spirit of Football

„One ball, one world“ is the motto of Spirit of Football. The non-profit organisation based in Erfurt relies on the power of football. It aims to bring people together worldwide and promote and strengthen tolerance, peace, community, education, inclusion and climate protection. 

Founder and President Andrew Aris was more or less born into the world of football. In this interview, he tells us how the native New Zealander ended up in Thuringia, how he was able to win Jürgen Klopp as a sponsor and how he is connected worldwide for the good.


„We have been in more than 60 countries and just about every continent.“


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