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Sambhava gives children in Nepal a liveable future

The international campaign „smile for a better world“ supports the work of the aid organization with 50 cents per smile
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Katrin Kausch

Children who are living in the „The Nest“. Photo: Sambhava

On the 14th of January 2018 started. The campaign wants to look at the human being, to show faces and to remind of: Every human being is worth the same – independently of where and how it lives; regardless of gender, age, religion or from the origin. intends not only to bring the most different people closer but also doing good things at the same time: Friends of the news portal donate for one face 50 Cent (as long as the money is enough). The money collected goes to the aid organization „Sambhava“ which was founded by Katrin Kausch and Mona la Barbera after the terrible earthquake in Nepal 2015 for the benefit of children and women. Katrin Kausch presents the work of the aid organization.


How Sambhava was realized

After the earthquake… Foto: Sambhava

Sambhava is a fully registered NGO. We’ve been working in Nepal in the areas of child protection, reconstruction and education since the devastating earthquake of 25.04.2015. We – Katrin Kausch and Mona La Barbera – were on site when the earthquake hit the country, when almost 9000 people lost their lives, and millions of them their homes.

After the first urgent aid we created SAMBHAVA. Up to date, we have enrolled 36 children at school, created a kids home for children in need, constructed an earthquake resistant ecodome, and co-founded a training program for ladies.

Today, 2018, our main projects remain the schooling as well as a high quality maintenance of ‘The Nest’ – our children’s home.


That’s what Sambhava stands for

Manish with his father after the earthquake… Since 2016 he visits our partner school in Goldhunga. Last year, his father asked for help. Manish was one of the first children who moved into the residential group. Photo: Sambhava


Starting 2016 we enrolled children from very challenging backgrounds at school. Today they are 36. They do e.g. not have sufficient access to food, hygiene or waterproof housing; they are orphans, victims of gender discrimination or children of sick or alcohol-addicted parents.
Together with their ‚godparents‘ we accompany them and their families in the long-term. We work together with three different, bilingual private schools.

The Nest

Purnima and Bimala. Photo: Sambhava

Within the 36 children that we enrolled at school, there was those that could not stay with their family members for different reasons. Some of their parents/relatives were to sick or weak to take care of their children, some to addicted to alcohol, and some simply already dead. Looking for a new home for them, we created the Nest in June 2017. A place to grow and learn, to play and laugh, accompanied by loving and respecting adults.

At the moment 8 children between 4 and 12 years live in our Nest. Our Nepali staff and an international volunteer take care of their individual needs on site!


Thank you very much for your smile!

Mendo and Pratigya. Photo: Sambhava

We thank for their campaign smile for a better world and for all smiling people for their support. It is together that we advance. All collected money will go towards the children in the Nest – currently we are only able to fund a little more than 50 percent of the running costs by sponsorship. Your contribution helps our wonderfully smiling children to keep smiling! Thank you!


Your smile counts twice!!

Participation und supportin Sambhava is quite easy. One smile is worth 50 cents for the benefit of Sambhava! If you convert the currency unit, look at these calculation examples:

  • 30 smiles = 25 kg of rice
  • 50 smiles = 1 school uniform including one pair of shoes
  • 200 smiles = one clothing equipement plus shoes

Friends of the news portal have agreed to support the campaign with a donation of 50 cents per smile.

Now we just need your smile!

… and please:

Tell the others about this and share the campaign. Our help for the children in Nepal is only possible with your support! Thank you very much! 🙂


German version:

Sambhava ermöglicht Kindern in Nepal eine Zukunft

This post is copyrighted.


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