good news in English!

Das Nachrichten-Portal für eine bessere Welt.

The Happy Broadcast: The portal for anxiety free news

Interview with Mauro Gatti who founded a very unique „news portal“ using witty illustrations to depict good news from around the world.
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by Kristin Frauenhoffer

Some good news are even better than others. Because they deal with good news itself. We are more than happy that we stumbled upon such a „super“ good news: The Happy Broadcast!

It is Mauro Gatti, originally from Italy but living in Los Angeles, who created this very unique „news portal“. Award-winning creative director, illustrator and designer Gatti decided that he wanted to make the world a better place by spreading positivity in his own way using his art. Thus the illustrations of „good news“ from all over the world are both original and descriptive. Scrolling through his website or social media channels is not only massively entertaining but very informative as a deeper explanation and the source of every news depicted is given. In that way the witty illustrations and their respective news are good material to discuss with children. That is why the platform is very popular among parents.

Mauro Gatti says about himself that he loves imagining things and „making people happy with my art, because a smile is the cheapest route to happiness.“ He proves to all those visiting his channels that this quote is very true: while exploring all the illustrations one feels more and more positive about what is happening in this world. Despite of all the „bad news“ out there.

We talked with Mauro about The Happy Broadcast and how it is influencing his life.

Why and when did your start The Happy Broadcast?

Mauro Gatti loves to spread positivity. (photo: private)

I suffer of anxiety and I realized that the fear-mongering and click-baiting headlines were making my condition worse. In mid 2018, I decided to use my talents as a designer to spread some positivity by highlighting the good happening in the world.
That day, The Happy Broadcast was born as an online source for positive news (I call them Anxiety free news), encouraging the importance of mental health and sustainable behavior.
Since then, it has become a trusted place for parents and children to find positive, fact-checked news stories. Alongside suggestions for getting involved, these stories are intended to inspire you to make the world just a little bit better in your own community.

What is the reaction you get from people about your website and your posts on social media?

The Happy Broadcast is not a place where followers only drop a ‘like’ on an image and move on but a community where people engage with one another in constructive discussions on topics like Cyberbullying, Anxiety, Animal Rights, Eco Living. They love to share the little moments of happiness that they encounter during their day.

Where do you get inspirations from for your website?

I get a lot of user submissions, I find them on blogs, online communities etc. Most of the news come from existing mainstream publications, they’re just buried behind the big scary titles and news. My belief is that families – and specifically their kids – need to know that the world is not the frightening place portrayed in the media.

At the moment the world seems to be a bit more frightening due to this Corona pandemic. You depict a lot of „good news“ surrounding that topic. Do you feel like people need good news now more than ever?

Yes! While it’s important to report about the danger of coronavirus so we can prevent it from happening again in this aggressive form, I believe there are many good news in this moment that just needs to be found and promoted. News about kindness, solidarity or about the world healing while we all take a break from our pre-coronavirus routines.

Did working on the subject of „good news“ change your way of seeing the world? How?

Absolutely. This project helps me as much as it helps the people that look for a positive outlet to better their mental health.

Do you feel like you are changing something in this world?

I hope so! The goal of this project is to spread positivity and positivity is the fuel we need to have a better attitude toward the world. So hopefully a lot of people or followers will be inspired by the actions of the fixers, doers and problem-solver and become a power of change themselves.

How do you finance your work on The Happy Broadcast? You don’t have any advertisment. Do you receive donations?

No, I finance it through my other jobs. I’m a creative for hire so if anyone want to hire me, they should know that part of what they pay me goes into The Happy Broadcast 🙂

What are your plans for the future with The Happy Broadcast?

I’m working on a podcast and an app. The Happy Broadcast book will be launched in August this year. I want to build a multi-platform source of happiness for everyone in the world.


[metaslider id=13339]

See more illustrations on Instagram or Facebook.

Or on the website:


They also deal with good news:

“Good News doesn’t sell? That’s the myth I wanted to disprove.”

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