good news in English!

Das Nachrichten-Portal für eine bessere Welt.

Make someone happy

That makes you happy too!

In the USA, on Rhode Island, there is a family business that encourages making others happy – the Make Someone Happy Company. We think it’s a great idea, which is why we are cooperating.

Even small gestures of attention can make such a big difference. Here we are collecting stories across countries about how simple it can be. Do you have an example? Please feel free to send it in, so that one initiative can become a really big movement – for a more loving world!

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Das good news telegram

mit Nachrichten, die gut tun!

Unter allen Bezieher*innen verlosen wir in diesem Monat 2 x 2 Kinokarten für den Film

Was will der Lama mit dem Gewehr? Eine Komödie, die unerwartet glücklich macht

Kinostart ist am 1. August 2024.

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